The Future of Woork – Humans need not apply

The Friday Room

21947950-robot-replacementFriday 20 Feb, 7:30pm, Unity House, Fennel Street, Loughborough

To be introduced by John Barton

By way of introduction we will show the 15min. film “Humans Need Not Apply” Which asserts is that almost all unskilled jobs as well as many professional jobs are going to be replaced by computer intelligence.

This suggests that there will never be enough conventional jobs for a significant and increasing proportion of the population who will need to be supported somehow. Added to this an ageing population will make increasing demands on the NHS and on pensions.

With an aging population and shrinking overall economy, almost everyone in employment might be employed looking after other people, and most of those will be in the public sector: Nurses and doctors, plus of course teachers, police, fire and rescue….

Does the private sector really pay for ‘the public sector? Traditionally, public spending is paid for by…

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